Agenda item

PL/5/2011/0473 - Hawthorn Industrial Estate, Murton

Variation of timescale to carry out highway works to the A182 as required by condition no.14 of planning permission ref. no. PLAN/2005/0955 (resubmission)


Variation of Timescale to Carry Out Highway Works to the A182 as Required by Condition No. 14 of Planning Permission Ref No. PLAN/2005/0955 (resubmission)


Consideration was given to the report of the Principal Planning Officer (Easington Area) which recommended approval of the application.    


The Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation, which included photographs of the site. In presenting the report the Officer advised of  minor amendments to the wording of condition 13 regarding highway works.




That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report and to condition 13 being amended to read as follows:-


’13.      The following levels of development shall not, either individually or cumulatively, be exceeded until such time as the highway works shown on the Jacobs Babtie drawing number 10780/P/T/01 Rev B are constructed and open to traffic to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highways Agency, to ensure the satisfactory operation of the A19/A182/B1285 junction.


Maximum permissible levels of development:

-                      10,567 sqm Gross Floor Area (GFA) of Use Class B1; or

-                      33,852 sqm GFA of Use Classes B2/B8.’




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