Agenda item

Quarter 4 2021/22 Performance Management Report:

Report of the Corporate Director of Resources.


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Resources which presented an overview of progress towards achieving key outcomes of the council’s corporate performance framework and highlight key messages to inform strategic priorities and work programmes (for copy see file of Minutes).


Cllr Jackson asked for clarification as to when enforcement in relation to the Selective Licensing Scheme would commence in circumstances where the landlords were not registered with the scheme. In response the Strategy Team Leader advised that she would need to check the timeline with the team and report back to members, however noted that there would be some exceptions to the scheme.


Mrs R Morris, Co-optee referred to the data presented along with global figures and noted the fall in unemployment levels. She asked for detail as to what type of jobs those recently gaining employment had gone into as she felt this would be useful to understand.  Furthermore, she raised a point regarding the claimant count and commented that Bishop Auckland and Easington areas were highlighted within the report however there may be several other areas underperforming. She therefore asked whether there was some form of league table which showed how areas were performing that could be shared with members.  She also commented that this information would be useful in giving direction when looking at the SPF allocations.


The Strategy Team Leader agreed to follow up with the relevant service areas/teams to get the information requested by the committee and also to provide the link to Durham Insight which provided good statistical information across all themes and geographical locations.


Resolved: that the content of the report be noted.


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