Agenda item

County Durham Youth Justice Service, Youth Justice Plan 2022 - 2023 - Report of Corporate Director of Children and Young People's Services


The Council considered a report of the Corporate Director of Children and Young People’s Services which presented the Youth Justice Plan 2022/23 and highlighted some of the key achievements in reducing re-offending during 2021/22 along with areas for improvement which the Service would focus on during the current year (for copy see file of Minutes).


In Moving the report, Councillor J Shuttleworth, Portfolio Holder for Rural Communities and Highways informed Council that the Pan highlighted a continued high level of performance and improvement during 2021/22.  Councillor Shuttleworth welcomed the Service Improvement Plan and confirmation of additional government funding for the Service which had just been announced.


In Seconding the report Councillor A Shield, Portfolio Holder for Equality and Inclusion appreciated the value of the report and supported the updated Plan for the year ahead.  Councillor Shield acknowledged the Council’s partnership approach to supporting both young people and victims.


Councillor O Gunn thanked the Youth Justice Service in County Durham, a Service which often lay outside of the spotlight yet carried a massive amount of work on many levels to improve the lives of young people.  Councillor Gunn urged all Members to read the report which detailed many of the programmes the Service provided and the outcomes of these.



That the recommendations in the report be approved.

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