Report of the Corporate Director of Resources, Durham County Council.
The Board received an update presentation from the Strategic Manager (One Point/Think Family Service), Karen Davison and the Strategy Team Leader, Debra Kitching on the work of the Poverty Action Steering Group (PASG) and Child Poverty Working Group (CPWG) (for copy see file of minutes).
Councillor T Henderson entered the meeting at 1.35pm
The Strategic Manager (OP/Think Family Service) explained that the Poverty Action Strategy and Action Plan had been refreshed, as had the Child Poverty Plan on a Page to reflect the system wide response required to reduce poverty. It was noted that Members of the Board were given a background in relation to the Strategy and noted that child poverty continued to rise in County Durham with 27.3 percent of children under 16 estimated to be living in relative poverty and 25.1 percent in absolute poverty. The Board noted the four objectives in relation to the Poverty Action Plan 2022-26:
• Objective 1: Use intelligence and data to target support to low-income households
• Objective 2: Reduce the financial pressures on people facing or in poverty
• Objective 3: Increase individual, household and community resilience to poverty
• Objective 4: Reduce barriers to accessing services for those experiencing financial insecurity
It was added that a number of actions were aligned to each objective, with timescales for completion ranging to March 2025.
Members noted the ongoing consultation, ending 26 August 2022, with questions for discussion being:
1. Are these the right objectives?
2. Where are the gaps/what more do we need to do?
3. Are there any groups of people missing?
It was noted that the next steps included:
• May-August 2022 - consultation with key partners and stakeholders
• September 2022 - strategy and action plan finalised
• November 2022 - Cabinet approval
• November 2022 - delivery
The Chair thanked the Officers and asked the Board for their questions and comments.
Councillor T Henderson noted there were ever increasing financial pressures on our residents and staff and asked what information was available to support residents maximise their income and how Councillors could support that work. The Strategic Manager noted the one-stop web page on the Council website, ‘help with your money’, and information for residents and staff working with children and young people was shared regularly as best practice.
L Buckley welcomed the focus on the issue, noting media reporting the North East having the highest child poverty in the UK. He noted the need to align with economic strategies in order to lift people out of poverty. He noted local grants as a good example and added that aspiration and belief were important for children and young people, noting many local examples and that they highlighted how to reach out to young people and the need for mentoring. He noted that how the Plan was ‘sold’ was key.
The Strategic Manager (Partnerships), Andrea Petty asked if the Board were seeing any increase in demand for services across the County due to the cost of living crisis. The Strategy Team Leader noted that during COVID-19 a lot more people came forward for help and the current situation was still more than pre-COVID, numbers had not returned to pre-COVID levels. She added it was not known what element was a consequence of COVID, and what element was the start of the cost of living crisis, however, there was increased demand on Revenues and Benefits and the PASG would report on anticipating demand and impact going forward. She added one would expect fewer people attending the gym, going out to the theatre, income generating Council services, and more grants, such as warm homes, and noted requests relating to Council Tax, including the recent ‘rebate’. The Strategic Manager (OP/Think Family Service) noted the need to be less transactional to ‘make every contact count’, with the Council being well placed to ask as regards the issues behind issues and look at a more holistic approach, asking the correct questions. The Corporate Director of Adult and Health Services noted that staff that were points of contact had advice and training in terms of being able to signpost people to the most appropriate help.
The Strategic Manager (OP/Think Family Service) noted a ‘no wrong door’ approach in terms of signposting and that in September a training programme would take place across all partners, as well as a new website and portal.
M Smith noted that Housing had fed into the Plan and the service had seen a six percent increase in demand during the period, with more families accessing services, with single people still making up the majority. She added issues such as domestic violence and Section 21 Notices added to the reasons why some people could not access the private housing market and noted some actions, such as asking Housing Providers not to pursue rent arrears.
P Sutton noted the digital offer and the importance of upskilling, however, he noted that if there was only a digital offer that could increase health inequalities and asked whether those individuals were supported and other routes to accessing services were provided. The Strategic Manager (OP/Think Family Service) noted that face-to-face meetings could not be beat and noted assistance available at leisure centres, family centres, as well as assistance in being able to help access digital services. The Strategy Team Leader noted the need for digital skills in terms of being able to access the best deals on energy, for example, and in other areas such as applying for jobs and therefore it was important to try to increase the levels in respect of those skills, with the DCC Digital Strategy coming through in due course.
S Lamb noted those in the room represented large employers and added they had an obligation to their employees who may be working and in poverty. She noted that some NHS workers on junior grades were only earning 1p over the minimum wage and asked how employers could support their staff. The Strategy Team Leader noted Public Health had carried out a piece of work looking at where people were struggling, and data sets were being analysed to see how they could be helped. The Strategic Manager (OP/Think Family Service) noted it was an important point in terms of looking after one’s own staff and highlighted the preconceptions around poverty and the importance of talking about it and how it was talked about. The Strategic Manager (Partnerships) noted that young people had been consulted on Growing Up in County Durham Strategy and the issue of poverty and the associated stigma had been highlighted. She noted she would liaise with the Chair to pull together a response from the Board. The Chair thanked the Officers and noted that the Board would appreciate updates in relation to the PASG.
(a) That the report and presentation be noted.
(b) That comments from the Board be fed into the consultation process.
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