Councillor L Brown noted she was a member of the City of Durham Trust, however she was not a Trustee and had not been party to their submissions in objection to the applications. She noted in respect of Item 5c, she had been party to the objections put forward by the City of Durham Parish Council and would not take part in that item.
The Lawyer (Planning and Highways), Neil Carter noted Councillor L Brown should retire from the Chamber during the consideration of the item.
The Chair, Councillor D Freeman noted he was a Member of the City of Durham Parish Council, however, he was not a member of their Planning Committee and had not been party to their submissions in objection. He noted he was also a member of the City of Durham Trust, however he was not a Trustee and had not been party to their submissions in objection to the applications.
Councillor D Nicholls noted he was a Local Member for Deerness, not a Committee Member, and was in attendance to speak as regards Item 5d. He noted he had taken advice from the Lawyer (Planning and Highways) and explained that he lived very close to the application site and would wish that to be known in advance of speaking in relation to the application.