Agenda item

DM/22/00139/FPA - The Beauty Spot, Saddlers Yard, Saddler Street, Durham, DH1 3NP

Proposed 4 Bed HMO with accompanying communal living area and kitchen in existing loft spaces. A dormer link will be formed to connect the two loft spaces (Amended Proposal).


The Senior Policy Officer, John Russell, gave a detailed presentation on the report relating to the abovementioned planning application, a copy of which had been circulated (for copy see file of minutes).  Members noted that the written report was supplemented by a visual presentation which included photographs of the site.  The application was for a proposed 4 Bed HMO with accompanying communal living area and kitchen in existing loft spaces, a dormer link will be formed to connect the two loft spaces (amended proposal) was recommended for approval subject to conditions.


The Chair thanked the Senior Policy Officer and asked Councillor R Ormerod, speaking on behalf of the City of Durham Parish Council, to speak in relation to the application.


Councillor R Ormerod noted the Parish Council had objected to the original scheme, with the main concerns as set out within its letter of February 2022, notably the scheme being in conflict with the CDP, National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the DCNP.  He noted the revisions that had taken place and that the Parish Council welcomed those relating to cycle storage and other issues set out at paragraph 36 of the report and noted the concerns relating to the nationally described space standards had been addressed.


Councillor R Ormerod noted that the Parish Council noted the number of Class N Council Tax exempt properties within 100 metres of the application property and that including 7-8 Silver Street it would take the percentage up to 70.4 percent, which within the commercial heart of the city was not unacceptable in terms of balanced communities.  He noted CDP Policy 9 related to town centre development and explained the Parish Council believed that upper floor use was not in conflict with policy.  Councillor R Ormerod noted DCNP Policy E3 and support for the development of upper floors if lower floors were retained for retail use.  He noted the Parish Council believed The Beauty Spot was no longer trading, however, requested that the lower floor be retained for retail use. 

He added that Saddler Street was very narrow, and the Parish Council would be concerned if a partial or total diversion of the road occurred and noted Condition 8 referred to a Construction Management Plan following the granting of permission, however, the Parish Council would request that the CMP be submitted prior to works commencing in order to assess the impact upon the WHS and CA.  The Principal Planning Officer, Paul Hopper noted the application did not include any proposed change to the ground floor use.  He noted that the CMP would be secured by condition, and highways were satisfied in terms of arrangements.


Councillor J Elmer moved that the application be approved, though noted concerns relating to the CMP not being submitted.  The Principal Planning Officer noted it was not usual to see a CMP prior to planning approval, however, access issues would form part of the CMP.  Councillor J Elmer asked if Officers were confident, the Principal Planning Officer noted highways colleagues had not objected to the proposals.  The Principal DM Engineer, David Battensby noted Condition 8 set out no development shall take place until a CMP was submitted and approved and added it would be something that would be looked at carefully.


Councillor J Elmer was seconded by Councillor K Robson.


Upon a vote being taken it was:




That the application be APPROVED, subject to the conditions as set out within the report and an amended Condition 9 to include the requisite drawing numbers.


Councillor D McKenna left the meeting at 11.33am

Councillor L Brown entered the meeting at 11.34am


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