Erection of 11 bungalows.
The Senior Planning Officer, Lisa Morina, gave a detailed presentation on the report relating to the abovementioned planning application, a copy of which had been circulated (for copy see file of minutes). Members noted that the written report was supplemented by a visual presentation which included photographs of the site. The application was for the erection of 11 bungalows and was recommended for approval subject to conditions and a s106 agreement.
The Chair thanked the Senior Planning Officer and asked Councillor D Nicholls to speak in relation to the application.
Councillor D Nicholls reiterated that he had sought clarification in terms of being able to speak on the application from the Council’s legal team.
He noted he was a resident of New Brancepeth and noted that the site had been a key concern for residents in the area for a number of years at the New Brancepeth Residents’ Association. He thanked the Officer for their report and noted the current untidy state of the site. He noted there had been a number of applications in the past and wondered whether it would be possible for the site to be tidied up as soon as possible, noting issues such as used car batteries on the site. He added that, as a resident, he welcomed the conditions in terms of noise suppression and dust control and the s106 allocations to the local area.
The Chair asked Officers for their comments. The Senior Planning Officer noted that scheme would be brought forward as soon as possible, however, a timescale was not set out. She added Section 215 Notices had been served upon on the site and that if development was not forthcoming the notices would be the fallback position. The Lawyer (Planning and Highways) noted there did not appear to be such a situation to impose an additional condition to the application in terms of tidying the site, and the legal tool was the Section 215 notice should the development not take place. He advised that Councillor D Nicholls should leave the Chamber while the Committee decided upon the application.
Councillor D Nicholls left them meeting at 11.46am
The Chair thanked the Officers and asked the Committee for their comments and questions.
Councillor A Surtees noted she welcomed the type of application as proposed, infill of an area left to wrack and ruin, with homes for elderly people, or families, including the affordable home. She noted she fully endorsed the proposals and moved the application be approved. Councillor J Elmer seconded the application, asking as regards loss of open space and whether the s106 contribution could be used to offset that locally.
The Principal Planning Officer, Paul Hopper noted that s106 monies were usually retained within the Electoral Division for local provision, with input from Local Members.
Councillor L Brown noted she agreed with Councillors A Surtees and J Elmer and noted a lack of shops in New Brancepeth and asked as regards bus stops and services to Langley Moor or Ushaw Moor.
She also noted that Condition 5 stated a 7.30am start time for works and suggested 8.00am maybe preferable. Members agreed as regards the suggested amended time. The Principal Planning Officer noted that he could confirm there were bus stops within 200 metres of the site.
Upon a vote being taken it was:
That the application be APPROVED, subject to the conditions and s106 agreements as set out within the report and an amended Condition 5 to change start times of works from 7.30am to 8.00am.
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