The Committee received a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth to request approval for the installation of a Puffin crossing on the A692 at Dipton, in accordance with the County Council Policy on the Assessment of Pedestrian crossings (for copy see file of minutes).
The Strategic Traffic Manager gave a detailed presentation which included a location plan of the proposals and a plan which indicated the proposals and objectors. The Strategic Traffic Manager advised that representation from both the school, residents and disability groups had indicated that they had difficulty when crossing the A692. Blind and partially sighted residents in Dipton had also raised concerns via the Royal National Institute of Blind People regarding the lack of provision of formal crossing facilities and the difficulties crossing. One objection had been received.
Councillor Andrews addressed the Committee as a local member. She noted that the road where the puffin crossing had been proposed was a long straight road that suffered from speeding traffic and that several incidents and near misses had occurred. She explained that crossing the road was difficult, particularly for school children, elderly residents, and the visually impaired, advising that the visually impaired community had written a petition regarding this. Councillor Andrews confirmed that both herself and local member Councillor Mulholland supported the recommendation to install a puffin crossing.
Councillor Tinsley commented that many villages across County Durham consisted of a long straight road like Dipton and would benefit from the installation of similar crossings. He agreed with the officer’s recommendation especially given the positive impact the crossing would have for those with disabilities and the visually impaired. He moved the recommendation to be approved.
Councillor Earley expressed that speeding traffic was an issue for many towns and villages in County Durham and he wholeheartedly supported the installation of the crossing, hoping it would improve safety in the area.
Councillor Sterling advised that she knew the area well and noted that traffic on the road was constant. She commented on the high number of elderly residents in the area and believed the crossing would help with traffic calming. She seconded the recommendation to be approved.
That the proposal to provide a crossing facility on the A692 at Dipton be approved.
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