Agenda item

Peterlee and Horden Parking & Waiting Restrictions Amendment Order 2022 - Report of Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy & Growth


The Committee received a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth to endorse changes to the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) in Peterlee and Horden (for copy see file of minutes).


The Strategic Traffic Manager gave a detailed presentation regarding a TRO in Danesly Close for the introduction of no waiting at any time restrictions. The presentation included a location plan of proposals and a plan that indicated the proposal and objectors. One objection had been received.


Councillor Duffy addressed the Committee as a local member. He explained that he had campaigned with the Police with regards to obstructive parking across residents’ driveways and gardens and advised that parking behaviour had led to conflict with residents. He confirmed that he was in full support of the proposals.


Councillor Duffy left the meeting.


Councillor Howey pointed out that she was aware of double yellow lines being ignored previously and asked how this would be monitored. The Strategic Traffic Manager confirmed that following the introduction of the lines, there would be a visible presence from the Local Authority which would impact the behaviour of drivers thus improving parking in the area. He explained that whilst vehicles would not be permitted to park, they may load/unload and board/alight passengers for as long as necessary. He clarified that the Local Authority could not enforce movement of a vehicle, explaining that this was a matter for the Police.


Councillor Hutchinson agreed that measures needed to be put in place to address obstructive parking but felt that introducing double yellow lines could simply move the problems experienced at Danesly Close to another location. The Strategic Traffic Manager accepted that this was a possibility but explained that access to Dene House Primary School and Dene Academy was a priority and must not be obstructed. He advised that people should park where it was safe and legal to do so.


Councillor Wood felt that whilst this was not the ideal solution at Danesly Close, the introduction of double yellow lines could improve the current situation and protect access to Dene House Primary School and Dene Academy. He confirmed that he understood the level of enforcement and moved the recommendation to endorse the proposals. This was seconded by Councillor Oliver.




That the proposal in principle be endorsed, to amend the Peterlee and Horden Parking and Waiting Restrictions Order 2022. With the final decision to be made by the Corporate Director under delegated powers.


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