Agenda item

Adults Wellbeing and Health OSC


The Committee received a report of the Corporate Director of Resources which provided an updated draft work programme for 2022/23 (for copy see file of minutes).


The Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer confirmed that the Committee were recommended to identify a topic for in depth review and it was anticipated that input from the thematic OSCs would be required into the Medium Term Financial Plan MTFP (13) development and beyond.


A Gilmore, Finance Manager (AHS), presented a presentation which explained the involvement of Scrutiny Committees in the development of savings options on MTFP(13) (for copy see file of minutes).


The recommendation was that thematic OSC’s considered options for efficiency savings and/or opportunities for generating additional income with their thematic service areas, which would be considered for inclusion by Cabinet.


Councillor Stubbs confirmed that elected members would undoubtedly have ideas and proposals that they could contribute towards this process, however the role of the Committee was to scrutinise proposals and he wondered if there would be a conflict of interest.


Councillor Hovvels objected to the proposal as she determined it to be contrary to the role of the Committee.  The fundamental role of Scrutiny was to scrutinise services and make recommendations.  Scrutiny Members had never previously been involved in contributing towards decisions, it was the remit of the Cabinet. She also questioned whether it was constitutionally sound.


Councillor Earley commented that to do this properly, Members would need a lot of financial data, which would be an awful lot of additional work and pressure on Officers.


The Chair advised that the idea was that Members would have more of an input on where savings could be made at a local level.


Councillor Andrews considered that it would be difficult for the Committee to scrutinise or provide feedback on an item they had already contributed to.


Councillor Martin confirmed that there was no restriction in the Constitution to prevent this proposal and the Committee were only being asked to contribute ideas.  This was a tool that could be utilised for Councillors to feel more involved in the process.


Councillor Higgins saw this as an exercise to form a workshop and come up with ideas for Cabinet, that they would potentially then be asked to scrutinise.  He objected on the basis that Members could not scrutinise proposals that they had put forward as suggestions.


Councillor Martin suggested that as Members were not in agreement on the recommendation to set up a task and finish group to review activity on MTFP(13) that a motion be put forward.


Councillor Martin then proposed to accept all recommendations in, seconded by Councillor Stubbs.


Councillor Hovvels advised she was against any proposal to set up a task and finish group to review activity on MTFP(13).


The Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer confirmed that the Council’s Constitution allowed for Overview and Scrutiny to consider the Council’s budget and assist the Executive in the development of the Council’s annual budget and review and scrutinise budgetary management. This role was led by the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Management Board but thematic OSCs had been asked to consider contributing to this process this year.


In terms of the motions put to Committee, the Principal Overview and Scrutiny Committee advised that decisions of Scrutiny were usually made by consensus but given the opposing views expressed by members at the meeting it was appropriate to vote on the respective proposal/recommendation.


Upon a vote being taken it was




(i)      That the proposed Adults Wellbeing and Health OSC work programme for 2022/23 be agreed; and

(ii)      That a task and finish group be established to review activity on MTFP(13).


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