Erection of football pitch boundary fence.
The Principal Planning Officer, Leigh Dalby gave a detailed presentation on the report relating to the abovementioned planning application, a copy of which had been circulated (for copy see file of minutes). Members noted that the written report was supplemented by a visual presentation which included photographs of the site. The application was for the erection of football pitch boundary fence and was recommended for approval, subject to conditions. The Principal Planning Officer reminded Members the application had previously been considered in November 2021 by the Committee and it had been deferred for the applicant to look at a revised scheme.
The Chair thanked the Principal Planning Officer and asked Mr A Perry, local resident, to speak in objection to the application.
Mr A Perry thanked the Chair and Committee and explained he had lived at Alexandra Close for 40 years with his family and that his property and others were adjacent to the field in question. He noted that Mr Prisk also objected, however, he was unable to attend the meeting and that the objections were from a number of neighbours. He noted that New College Durham (NCD) had amended their initial application, reducing the height of the fence from 4.5 metres to 3 metres on two sides. He added that, however, the scale was still sufficient to represent a significant impact and detriment to the value of the open space, noting the open space was separate from the rest of the college buildings.
Mr A Perry explained that the scheme failed to respect residents and noted there had been discussions and that there had been assurance as regards landscaping and maintenance. He noted the extension to the NCD building to the west of the public right of way and noted clear delineations of the NCD building and the playing fields. He added that the proposed development encroached on that delineation and would create a stark block. He explained the construction would be three to four metres and, when built, would be a cage-like structure that would dominate the space. Mr A Perry noted that the field itself was 1.5 metres higher than in 2003 as when NCD was rebuild the field had been a temporary store for the waste material from the old site.
He explained that there had been assurance that the level would be returned, however, to the dismay of all the area was compacted and topsoil placed on top. He noted that meant that effectively the proposed fence would be 4.5 metres form the garden levels on Alexandria Close.
He noted that the original application had been deferred and it had been hoped that there would have been further details in terms of land that would remain, whether it would be left to go wild and not be maintained, adding there had been no information from NCD on this matter.
The Chair thanked Mr A Perry and asked Mr K Fairley from NCD to speak in relation to their application.
Mr K Fairley thanked the Chair and Committee and explained he was the Deputy Chief Executive, NCD, with his colleague in attendance being Mr Paul Bradley, Chief Financial Officer, NCD. Mr K Fairley noted the proposed fence was for an existing playing pitch and had originally been submitted last July for a 4.5 metres enclosure. He noted the matter was deferred by Committee in November 2021 and that NCD had agreed to further consultation with residents. He explained that subsequently, the proposal was now for 4 metre high fence at each goal end of the pitch, with 3 metre high fence along the touchline sides, parallel to Alexandria Close. He referred to Condition 3 which related to the colour of the fence and explained that at the consultation with local representatives in terms of a planting scheme, NCD had noted no strong views and would work with Durham County Council (DCC) and local representatives in terms of those requirements. Mr K Fairley explained that paragraph 37 of the Officer’s report set out details in that regard. He concluded by noting NCD welcomed the recommendation for approval and respectfully requested Members approve the application as per their Officer’s report.
The Chair thanked Mr K Fairley and asked the Committee for their comments and questions.
Councillor A Surtees noted she recalled the initial application at the meeting in November 2021, with one of the Local Members having been in attendance to raise the concerns of residents. She noted that NCD had subsequently had further discussions as regards the proposals and had amended their application in terms of reducing the height of the fence all the way around. She proposed that the application be approved, as per the Officer’s recommendation. Councillor LA Holmes seconded the motion for approval.
Councillor J Elmer asked whether it would be possible to condition a requirement in terms of planting and maintenance around the pitch.
The Principal Planning Officer noted that Condition 4 within the report required that the planting scheme relating to the eastern, southern and northern boundaries be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.
Councillor J Elmer asked as regards ongoing maintenance. The Principal Planning Officer noted that maintaining for a five year period was seen as good practice, as set out within Condition 4.
Upon a vote being taken it was:
That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions set out within the report.
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