Agenda item

Refresh of the Work Programme


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Resources which outlined the proposed work programme for 2022/23 (for copy see file of minutes).


Introducing the report, Diane Close, Overview and Scrutiny Officer, explained that the report referred to the high level and key strategic documents that underpin the development of the work programme, including the County Durham Vision 2035 and the Council Plan 2022-2026.  It was highlighted that some of the items from the previous programme had been brought forward into the proposed work programme, in response to Members’ requests that further updates be brought to future meetings of the Committee.  The Committee noted that the proposed work programme includes scheduled meetings and special meetings, some of which are joint meetings with the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee to consider cross-cutting issues.  In addition, the proposed programme also includes a workshop in relation to CERP2, to which all Overview and Scrutiny members will be invited.  The programme also includes visits to various waste facilities and a visit to various Durham County Council nature reserves and parks, currently planned for spring of 2023. 


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer drew attention to paragraph 17 of the report which suggested that the various thematic Overview and Scrutiny Committees may wish to consider undertaking a focused piece of work in relation to Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) 13, to identify further efficiencies or areas of income generation.  Ed Thompson, Principal Accountant for Neighbourhoods and Climate Change, delivered a presentation outlining the process for the development of the MTFP13 explaining the suggested role for Overview and Scrutiny Committees and the timeframes.  Members heard that the MTFP13 was presented to Cabinet in July and the forecast savings shortfall had increased significantly, with a savings shortfall required in 2023/24 of £21.9 million, therefore savings options were required to be considered.  Whilst it is hoped that additional Government funding will be provided, this will not be known until the draft Local Government financial settlement is received in December 2022.  The proposed process would provide an opportunity for thematic scrutiny committees to explore opportunities for efficiencies or to carry out research in significant areas. However, it was noted that carrying out the work could impact on the Committee’s ability to undertake any other review activity during the work programme and detailed work into specific budget areas could take a number of months.  Furthermore, any higher level options to be submitted to Cabinet for consideration in the development of the 2023/24 budget would be required by the end of November 2022.


In discussing the issue, Members stated their views that the Committee should not carry out the proposed MTFP13 work as there are key areas within the Committee’s remit, for example, waste management, that should be areas of focus.


Members raised concerns regarding the restrictions on timeframes included in the proposal and commented that the proposed work was best placed within Cabinet’s remit and the role of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees should be to scrutinise the decisions made by Cabinet.  Members also commented that when focusing on areas pertaining specifically to the remit of the Environment and Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee, this may lead the Committee to identify areas for savings and efficiencies which would be highlighted to the relevant Service Grouping for consideration during the budget process.


Members at the meeting, through a show of hands, agreed their decision that the Committee should not carry out the proposed focused piece of work in relation to MTFP13, to identify further efficiencies or areas of income generation.




a)    That the comments of the Committee on the proposed work programme for 2022/23 be noted.


b)    That the work programme for 2022/21 and the flexibility it offers to respond to emerging issues be agreed.


c)    That the committee does not undertake the focused piece of work in relation to MTFP 13 and that a topic for in-depth or light touch review activity be identified during delivery of the 2022/23 work programme.




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