Members wished to convey to Councillor Hood the former Chair of the Committee their very best wishes in his new appointment as Portfolio Holder for Adult and Health Services.
Councillor I Cochrane, S Deinali, O Gunn and S Townsend left the meeting and took no part in the discussion on the task and finish work.
Members discussed the finish and task work, and the consensus was that they wanted to undertake the task and some of the areas suggested were home to school transport and income generation by the use of school buildings. After consideration of the issues the group would pull together some recommendations that would fall into the overarching submission from the Corporate and Overview Scrutiny Management Board.
Councillor Simmons asked if she could be involved in the task group.
Resolved: The Children and Young People’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee agreed to undertake the Task and Finish MTFP activity and that the areas to be considered include Home to School Transport and the potential to generate income through out of hours school buildings use.