Agenda item

6/2011/0370/DM - The Witham Hall, 3 Horsemarket, Barnard Castle

Refurbishments and internal alterations to existing buildings. Proposed new link building extension and remodelling to library. Construction of new store and refuse store including landscaping works


Refurbishments and Internal Alterations to Existing Buildings.Proposed New Link Building Extension and Remodelling to Library. Construction of New Store and Refuse Store Including Landscaping Works


Consideration was given to the report submitted in relation to the above application, a copy of which had been circulated.


A Caines, Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation which included photographs of the site.


In presenting the report the Officer advised that this was a joint application by Durham County Council and The Trustees of Witham. He also advised that the wording of condition 8 was to be amended to remove the reference to the acquisition of a bat licence from Natural England.


Mrs Philips a local resident stated that she was not against the application and appreciated the advantages the facility would bring to the area, however she asked that consideration be given to the potential impact on neighbouring properties in terms of security, noise and privacy.




That the application be approved, subject to the conditions outlined in the report and to condition 8 being amended to read as follows:-


‘8.        No development shall take place unless in accordance with the mitigation detail within the protected species report ‘Bat Method Statement Document 2:The Witham Buildings and Library, Hall Lane, Barnard Castle’ by Barratt Environmental Ltd dated September 2011; sensitive timing of destructive works to avoid hibernation season; hand search of roof structures by licensed bat worker immediately prior to roofing works commencing; supervised hand removal of roof material in vicinity of chimneys; installation of 1 no. Schwegler 1WQ roost to south side of south chimney; restoration of confirmed roost sites and access points/routes once roof covering is replaced; and following strict timetable detailed in Section F of the report.’

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