Agenda item

Rockingham Drive, Bishop Auckland - Traffic Calming - Report of Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services in relation to the proposed traffic calming measures at Rockingham Drive, Bishop Auckland (for copy see file of Minutes).


The proposal was to introduce traffic calming measures in the form of three speed tables at the junctions of Rockingham Drive and Lindisfarne Close, Whitby Close, and Middlehope Grove.


The Strategic Highways Manager informed the Committee that a statutory consultation had taken place which had resulted in 18 objections submitted by residents of, and residents who lived on the various streets accessed from, Rockingham Drive.  In addition, there had been a significant amount of support, which included a total of 185 residents in favour of the proposal.  There had been one reported accident resulting in slight personal injury on this route as a result of a vehicular collision and it was considered appropriate to introduce traffic calming measures.  There would be a risk that some motorists attempt to increase their speed in between the traffic calming measures and therefore a minimum of three speed tables were being recommended.


The Committee were advised that a number of representations by email had been received and these were summarised by the Strategic Highways Manager.  Many points raised in the representations received by email related to wintry weather and possible conditions on the route.  The Committee were advised that the route would be salt treated during winter, and in the event of the road becoming snowbound, any motorists would be able to make a judgement on whether they could manoeuvre their vehicle.  In response to comments received about ‘giving way’ at a junction, the Committee were informed that there was enough room for a vehicle to sit comfortably on top of the speed table before giving way at a junction.


One respondent suggested the use of chicanes as an alternative but these had been explored, but were not deemed to be suitable.



The Committee endorsed the proposal and agreed to proceed with the implementation of the scheme detailed in the report.


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