Agenda item

DM/22/01643/FPA - Units 1-6 Gas Lane Industrial Estate, Gas Lane, Middleton in Teesdale, DL12 0TN

Insertion of louvre into the southern elevation of building approved under DM/20/03644/FPA


The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer which provided details of an application for Insertion of louvre into the southern elevation of building approved at Units 1-6 Gas Lane Industrial Estate, Gas Lane, Middleton in Teesdale, DL12 0TN (for copy see file of minutes).


G Spurgeon, Senior Planning Officer, provided a detailed presentation of the application which included a site location plan, aerial photographs and photographs of the site.


The Clerk to Middleton and Newbiggin Parish Council addressed the Committee, directing Members to points made on the previous application adding residents concerns about noise as the works were being carried out which had been addressed asking that the condition apply to any consecutive 28-day period and would be robustly enforced.


Rod Hepplewhite, Agent for the applicant, addressed the Committee noting that this application had been submitted first. The applicant was looking to install the louvre was when it was noticed that the business would require more space for manufacturing. The works were needed for air flow in the current space and would require no additional external works. Rod Hepplewhite added that all work was in accordance with planning policy, adding all external work would be coloured to match the existing building meaning there would be little to no impact.


Councillor Andrews enquired what use the louvre would provide and would it be a medical requirement, Councillor Andrews added that the works seemed essential to the business.


In response to the question asked Rod Hepplewhite informed the Committee that it would be used for air flow which would be essential given the nature of the work done on site and without this application being approved a new location for manufacturing would need to be found.

Councillor Atkinson commented that the works made sense to the requirements of the business noting the previous application had already been approved and moved to approve the application.


Councillor Oliver seconded the motion to approve.




The application be APPROVED subject to conditions as outlined in the report. 


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