Agenda item

Such other business, as in the opinion of the Chairman of the meeting, is of sufficient urgency to warrant consideration


The Access and Rights of Way Team Leader provided the Committee with an update on Definitive Map Modification Orders following members decisions at previous meetings of the Committee. 


He confirmed that Baxter wood near Durham had received no objections and was now on the Definitive Map. Referring to Watergate Lane where it was agreed to upgrade the public footpath to a public bridleway, he noted that the order had been published, and the new landowner had objected to it. He explained that the case had now been referred to the secretary of state and that they were awaiting a timetable for proceedings and that it could take up to a year for a decision to be reached and may include a public enquiry


With regards to approval of adding a footpath at Ladley Burn, Wolsingham to the Definitive Map, he noted that there had been a great deal of local interest and that the landowner was opposed to it. He confirmed that the landowner did not attend the meeting of the Committee but that he was anticipating an objection from them, and if received would need to be referred to the secretary of state and could result in a public enquiry.


He went on to advise that regarding the alleged public footpath from West View to St Mary’s Church Yard, Barnard Castle, which the Committee had refused, the applicant had appealed to the Secretary of State and at this stage it was unclear whether this would result in a Public Inquiry.


Finally, with regards to Nanny Pops Lane, he noted that as the Order had received an objection the Council no longer had jurisdiction over this application and it would now be referred to the secretary of state to modify the lane on the Definitive Map to restricted byway. He offered to share information regarding the costs of works to Nanny Poes lane at a future meeting of the Committee clarifying this would be for information purposes only.


Councillor Sterling had great appreciation for the work carried out by the team and wished that following an objection there could be an additional stage to the process to reduce the cases referred to the secretary of state. The Access and Rights of Way Team Leader concurred and explained that all cases referred to the secretary of state involved a great deal of work and absorbed a considerable amount of officer time. 


Councillor Boyes referred to the proposal for Nanny Poes lane and asked whether reasonable steps could have been taken to propose restricted byway at the first meeting of the Committee. The Access and Rights of Way Team Leader agreed and explained that the issues surrounding this had now hopefully been addressed.


Councillor Earley commented that he was aware of an application that was soon to be submitted and asked if it would be helpful for the applicant to contact officers in advance. The Access and Rights of Way Team Leader confirmed that officers were always pleased to talk to perspective applicants and resolve any potential issues before the application went to committee.


Councillor Ormerod suggested that it would be helpful to have regular updates at future meetings of the Highways Committee to update members on the outcomes of applications for Definitive Map Modification Orders. Members welcomed this suggestion.




      i.         That information regarding the costs of works to Nanny Poes lane be shared at a future meeting of the Committee, for information purposes only;

     ii.         That regular updates on Definitive Map Modification Orders following the decisions of members be shared at future meetings of the Highways Committee.