Agenda item

A690, Kepier Crossing, Gilesgate - Report of Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services


Consideration was given to the report of the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services regarding proposals in respect of the A690 Kepier Crossing, Gilesgate (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Committee was advised that at the meeting of the Highways Committee held on 1 November 2011 Members had asked that consideration be given to the request to lower the speed limit on the A690 and provide street lights at the crossing.


Following consideration of all relevant factors and the environment Officers felt that the current speed limit was appropriate to the road and that a reduction would be unworkable in this location due to the resources needed for enforcement. The benefits of introducing a system of lighting would be to improve pedestrian visibility and reduce night time accidents with no glare to drivers. However in this case the lack of lighting actively discouraged pedestrians to use this crossing point which did not lead to a lit path.


The Strategic Highways Manager advised that since the report had been published further representations had been received from Madeleine Walker. She considered that the crossing was in a serious state of neglect which she believed was a huge factor in her son’s death. She also felt that the Officers views in relation to lighting were absurd and that the crossing was dangerous to use day or night. The accident in 1997 was serious and she felt that there was a high chance that it would happen again. She concluded by thanking the Committee for it’s support.


Councillor Southwell, local Member spoke on behalf of Madeleine Walker and reiterated her concerns about the street lighting and the speed limit. He noted that the road markings had not been improved and that the vegetation was still overgrown, despite these issues being raised at the meeting in November 2011. With regard to the speed limit, he believed that this stretch of road warranted a reduction to 50mph in line with other sections along the A690 as it served a number of junctions. He requested that the 50mph limit be imposed permanently or for a trial period of 6 months.


Councillor L Thomson, local Member concurred with the views of Councillor Southwell and added that the speeds along this stretch of road were excessive particularly by vehicles leaving Durham City. He agreed with Officers’ views in relation to street lighting but asked that a 50mph speed limit be imposed for a trial period.


In response to the comments made the Strategic Highways Manager advised that hazard warning markings had been marked along the centre of the carriageway and the vegetation had been cut back. It would not be possible to implement a 50mph speed limit for a trial period and he reiterated that in line with Department of Transport criteria, 70mph was appropriate for this stretch of the A690 which was in a rural environment. The 50mph limit had been imposed on other sections because of the at-grade junctions accessed by the A690.


In considering the proposals the Committee acknowledged the views of the local Members and expressed their sympathy to the family. A Member stated that he was in agreement with Officers on the grounds that works had been completed to improve safety at the crossing and that there was no evidence to suggest that it was used at night. However having discussed all the relevant factors the Committee considered that speeds should be curtailed along this stretch of road by the introduction of a 50mph limit. They agreed with Officers’ views that street lighting should not be introduced.




That the findings of the assessment be noted and the decision that street lighting be not introduced at the location of the crossing point, be endorsed but that consultation be carried out on the proposal to reduce the speed limit to 50mph.       

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