Agenda item

Community Cohesion


The Chair noted that this was intended to be a standing item moving forward as raised and suggested by W Gray at a previous meeting.


He went on to advise that he had been contacted by Joni Stidwell, Education Equalities Team Leader, DCC requesting SACREs support in producing some short guidance for schools around the possible dates families may be granted time off school for religious observance.


Following discussion on this topic and noting that some guidance may already exist within NASACRE, H Tait and C Spencer put their names forward to represent SACRE and assist with the development of this area of work.


L Burton asked whether national perspectives on this topic had been gathered and also suggested that other SACREs in the North East should be contacted to see what they were doing in this regard. P Welch noted that whilst he could see some value in this, the area of work was not a traditional function of SACRE and therefore that information may not be available.


K Passmore noted that Harrow SACRE had produced guidance for Headteachers and Governing Bodies on Authorising Pupil Absence for Religious Observance which may be useful to review and agreed that NASACRE could potentially offer further support. In conclusion she noted that she agreed that the local authority did have guidance that they were able to share with schools.




That H Tait and C Spencer be nominated to take part in the work and agreed to report back to a future meeting.