The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Climate Change which update Cabinet on issues being addressed by the County Durham Partnership (CDP). The report also included updates on other key initiatives being carried out in partnership across the county (for copy of report see file of Minutes).
The Leader of the Council, as Chair of the County Durham Partnership was delighted and inspired to see extent of partnership working across the County which had been drawn together in the update. The uncertain and difficult financial circumstances for many had cast a shadow over the update. The partnership event to be held later in the month would focus on the cost of living crisis and how partnership and community sectors could respond.
The Board regularly received updates from the Poverty Action Steering Group which demonstrated the power of partnership working on this agenda and examples of several initiatives which had been delivered across the county such as the warm spaces network were provided to the Cabinet for information.
Other areas highlighted related to the safeguarding adults work, the vital work of the partnership in terms of building on the innovative e-conversation process, highlights of Area Action Partnerships across the County alongside the vital humanitarian support work taking place and the role the partnership played in providing a place of safety for those fleeing conflicts across the world.
Councillor E Scott, Portfolio Holder for Economy and Partnerships echoed the positive comments, the work of the partnership and referred to some of the inspiring initiatives in the report. Councillor Scott also highlighted the work of the economic partnership in the new inclusive economic strategy and referred to the review of community engagement which was progressing well.
That the report be noted.
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