The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth which advised of the proposed changes to the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) in Langley Moor, Meadowfield, Brandon and Browney and requested that they considered the objections made during the informal and formal consultation period (for copy see file of minutes).
The Traffic Management Section Manager gave a detailed presentation which included site location plans, aerial photos and photographs of the sites and details for the following restrictions;
· To introduce ‘no waiting at any time’ restrictions at A690, High Street for the extent of the hatched markings to further prevent vehicles from parking in an obstructive manner. Three objections were received in the informal and formal consultation period from local residents who felt the restrictions were too harsh.
· To introduce ‘no waiting at any time’ restrictions on the western side of the junction at Sawmills Lane to improve visibility and access/egress for approaching road users. One objection was received from a directly affected property.
Councillor Tinsley confirmed that he knew the two locations well and asked if a negative impact on traffic flow at High Street was anticipated. The Traffic Management Section Manager did not foresee any issues with traffic flow but was happy to monitor this. He commented that there would be some displacement of vehicles but that this would be minor.
With regards to Sawmills Lane, Councillor Tinsley asked if the objection received from Stoneacre Garage was on operational grounds. The Traffic Management Section Manager noted that no information had been received to indicate this. Councillor Tinsley moved the proposal to be endorsed.
In response from a question from Councillor Kay regarding traffic flow at High Street, the Traffic Management Section Manager explained that with it being a minor junction that any increase in traffic flow would be minor.
With regards to Sawmills Lane, Councillor Kay asked whether parked cars were problematic throughout the day or only during school times. The Traffic Management Section Manager confirmed vehicles were parked throughout the day and were generally visitors to the nearby houses. The Legal Officer (Planning and Highways) was confident that the parked vehicles were not parents from the local Primary School.
Councillor Howey agreed with the proposals although expressed concern that the proposal at High Street risked moving the current problem. Councillor Howey seconded the proposals be endorsed.
That the proposal, in principle, to amend the Langley Moor, Meadowfield, Brandon & Browney Parking and Waiting Restrictions, Traffic Regulation Order, with the final decision to be made by the Corporate Director under delegated powers be endorsed.
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