Agenda item

Wheatley Hill, Wingate, Quarrington Hill & Deaf Hill Parking & Waiting Restrictions, Traffic Regulation Amendment Order 2022 - Report of Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy & Growth


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth which advised of the proposed changes to the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) in Wheatley Hill, Wingate, Quarrington Hill and Deaf Hill and requested that they considered the objections made during the informal and formal consultation period (for copy see file of minutes).


The Strategic Traffic Manager gave a detailed presentation which included site location plans, aerial photos and photographs of the sites and details for the following restrictions;


·      To introduce ‘limited waiting, Monday-Saturday, 8am-6pm, 1 hour no return within 2 hours’ restrictions for the extent of this layby to facilitate short stay access to nearby services/facilities and reduce obstructive parking. The bays will be unrestricted on an evening to facilitate overnight parking for any surrounding residential properties. Two objections were received in the informal and formal consultation period from directly affected frontages who felt it was unfair for residents who did not have off-street parking.


Councillor Higgins addressed the Committee as local member and thanked the officers for bringing the item to the meeting. He advised that complaints had been received from the chairperson at Wingate Primary School, residents, and parents, regarding congestion and parking. He had witnessed vehicles parking in the layby for full days when sufficient off street parking was available. To his knowledge none of the properties located on front street including the travel agents had objected to the proposal and stated that the Community Centre had car parking facilities. He confirmed that he fully supported the proposal as did the Police.


Councillor Higgins left the meeting.


Councillor Sterling expressed concern with users of the community centre as sessions for users could last up to three hours but noted Councillor Higgins had pointed out that the car park at the community centre had car parking facilities.


Councillor Earley believed it was a firm proposal and that sufficient car parking was available in the area and moved the proposal to be endorsed. This was seconded by Councillor Tinsley. 




That the proposal, in principle, to amend the current Wheatley Hill, Wingate & Deaf Hill Parking and Waiting Restrictions, Traffic Regulation Order, with the final decision to be made by the Corporate Director under delegated powers be endorsed.


Supporting documents: