Agenda item

Application to Vary a Club Premises Certificate - Easington Colliery Club and Institute, Seaside Lane, Easington Colliery, Peterlee


The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Licensing Team Leader regarding an application to vary a Club Premises Certificate in respect of Easington Colliery Club and Institute, Seaside Lane, Easington Colliery (for copy see file of Minutes).


A copy of the application and supporting documentation had been circulated to all parties, together with additional information from the Applicant.


Helen Johnson, Licensing Team Leader advised that the other persons were not in attendance but their written representations were included in the report at Appendix 4. The representations of other persons Mr and Mrs Moutter had been withdrawn.


Councillor MacLean asked why Mr and Mrs Moutter had withdrawn their objections. The Member was informed that following discussions between the parties Mr and Mrs Moutter were satisfied that the outside seating/drinking area would not be open later than 10.00pm. They had also made representation that the application had been made without their knowledge. Mr Foster, the Club Secretary and Applicant had confirmed in the additional information that Notices had been displayed. Helen Johnson confirmed that this had been checked and was the case.


Mr Foster was invited to address the Sub-Committee and began by confirming that Mr Moutter had been concerned that there would be partying in the outside area which was adjacent to his back garden, but after speaking with him he was now satisfied that the concert room would not be open at the same time. Mr Moutter had asked for the outside area to be closed at 9.00pm.


Mr Foster represented 140 clubs and the national picture for the industry was bleak. Clubs were trying to increase footfall. The Club received enquiries for funerals and christenings earlier in the day and at present had to turn them down. The Club also wanted to be able to serve alcohol for customers who met in the premises before bus trips.


The Club was well-run with a zero-tolerance policy on anti-social behaviour.


The Club was now the only premises in the town that could hold events. The Club was fighting a hard battle to remain open and the application would make a big difference to the business.


Councillor Waldock asked if the Club had received any complaints about noise. Mr Foster stated that the Council had visited regarding one complaint received but the noise had not been caused by the Club and was from a neighbouring building. The additional information included photographs of the adjacent houses before and after tree planting. Fast-growing leylandii had been planted which were now 5m high and created a natural noise barrier. Other measures included a new fire exit door which the Club was looking to insulate, the windows were double-glazed, and the entrance and exit were both accessed through two sets of doors. Signage would be erected asking customers to respect their neighbours.


In 2003 the Club had four cameras, it now had forty, which included coverage of the outside area.


The Club members were very good and looked after the staff. He had been a member himself for many years.


Councillor Hampson asked if the Club envisaged being open from 8am until 12 midnight every day. Mr Foster replied that this would not be financially viable, nor did they want to. As he had stated the Club wanted to cater for early morning funerals and christenings, and bus trips such as the pool and darts clubs and a Sunderland supporters club who met in the premises at 9.00m before leaving by coach at 10.30am.


Councillor Hampson asked Mr Foster about plans for the outside area. Mr Foster replied that daylight hours varied a lot in spring/summer and he did not expect it to be open after 10.00pm. There was no lighting or heating in the outside area and it’s use would be affected by the weather. A survey had shown that the average number of days the roof of a convertible vehicle was down, was four.


Councillor MacLean asked for Mr Foster’s views if a condition was included to state that the outside area must be cleared by 10.00pm, and also asked where smokers would go after it closed. Mr Foster explained that there was a smoking area to the east of the Club which was open at all times. He confirmed that the Club would not have a problem with a condition requiring the outside area to close at 10.00pm as customers could purchase alcohol indoors until midnight.


All parties were invited to make a closing statement.


Mr Foster referred to the Statement of Licensing Policy which advised that the Council would look favourably on the provision of staff training. Miss Parkin, the Club Steward carried out all staff training which included Challenge 25.


Mr Strong, the Treasurer had been attending PubWatch meetings for six years with the Club being represented on PubWatch for ten years. The Club was on the mailing list for Best Bar None and observed the relevant Home Office Guidance in the Safer Clubbing booklet. Leaflets and notices from PubWatch were placed all around the Club.


He was aware of the need to promote the licensing objectives, and with the demographic of their members, it was unlikely that crime and disorder would be an issue. He understood the concerns of residents – he would complain if he was a neighbour and there was partying at the premises between 8.00am and midnight.  


At 10.15am Councillors Jan Blakey, Carole Hampson and Cathy Hunt resolved to retire to deliberate the application in private. After re-convening at 10.25am the Chair delivered the Sub-Committee’s decision. In reaching their decision the Sub-Committee considered the report of the Licensing Team Leader and additional information from the Applicant, the verbal and written representations of the Applicant and the written representations of the other persons. Members had also taken into account the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy and Section 182 Guidance issued by the Secretary of State.




That the application to vary the Premises Licence be granted as requested subject to the following condition in respect of the outside area:


The outdoor area will close at 9.30pm Sunday to Thursday and at 10pm on Friday and Saturday. All glasses and bottles must be cleared away by 9.30pm Sunday to Thursday and 10pm Friday and Saturday.


Supporting documents: