Agenda item

DM/22/01083/FPA and DM/22/01084/LB - Three Tuns Inn, Church Bank, Eggleston, Barnard Castle

Conversion of public house to one permanent dwelling and 2 no. holiday lets with alterations including altered windows on the front, rear and side elevation.



The Committee considered a report of the Planning Officer, Susan Hyde which provided details of the applications for the conversion of public house to one permanent dwelling and 2 no. holiday lets with alterations including altered windows on the front, rear and side elevation at Three Tuns Inn, Church Bank, Eggleston, Barnard Castle, a full planning application and a listed building application (for copy see file of minutes).


The Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation of the application which included a site location plan, aerial photographs and photographs of the site.  She noted that the applications were recommended for approval, subject to the conditions as set out in the report.


Maria Ferguson, Agent for the Applicant addressed the Committee and explained that she fully acknowledged the strength of feeling from the Parish Council, and members of the community who had raised concerns about the loss of the public house, including noting that it ‘was the end of an era’. She added times had changed, especially in recent years, and it was not possible to ignore the evidence supporting that the Three Tuns was not a viable business and would never open as a public house again. M Ferguson informed the Committee her clients had unfortunately purchased the building, long after the pub had failed and they did so without any fixtures and fittings, not a viable business. She noted that the Parish Council ignored the fact that, in total, five sets of individuals had tried to make the pub a successful business between 2013 and 2021, when it finally closed, and all had failed. She added it was not for the want of trying, some of those parties had filed for insolvency. M Ferguson informed the Committee that poor trading and the significant cost of the necessary refurbishments, which included the need for a new extraction system to replace the outmoded one and new electrical systems throughout, adding that there would be associated downtime while those works were carried out. The Agent brought Members attention to the fact there had been no interest in the Three Tuns Inn and that the Egglestone Community Asset Group’s application, to have the property listed as an asset of community value, had failed due to a lack of evidence of any use of the building which furthered the social wellbeing of the local community. It was felt by the Agent that the Planning Authority in this casewould be hard pushed to defend on appeal a decision to refuse permission on the basis of the loss of the public house. The Agent informed the Committee the Applicants wanted to convert and fully refurbish the pub into a house for them to live in, whilst operating two holiday lets to supplement their income. M Ferguson explained the property needed complete re-wiring, wood rot treatment throughout, specialist re-pointing with hydraulic lime mortar, replacement sliding sash windows throughout,including unauthorised UPVC windows, new fascia boards, and cast-iron gutters and downpipes, a new flat roof, damp proofing, new heating, and full decoration. She added was a listed building in a prominent position in the Egglestone Conservation Area.  She noted that planning policy stated that finding a viable use for a heritage asset was the best way of ensuring its survival. She reiterated that the Applicants had invested significant sums of money into the property, despite the loss of the pub use, adding that the building continued to make a positive contribution to the character and appearance of the area.


Councillor Adam asked if the building was currently being offered as accommodationand why the application to have the building listed as an asset of community value had been rejected.  The Agent informed the Committee that the building was not currently offered for accommodation and added that the application to list the building as an asset of community value had failed due to it not being seen as furthering community wellbeing.  Councillor Adam asked for further clarification. The Planning Officer informed the Committee that the application had failed Section 88(1) due to a lack of evidence to support its ancillary use, with little evidence of support from the local community.


Councillor Jones entered the meeting at 9.56 am


The Chair noted that Councillor Jones could not take part in the vote on this item.


Councillor Atkinson explained he was in support of the application and saw it as a positive step forward, noting the extent of the repairs needed. He also noted that any attempt to bring the property back into use as a public house would be a step too far for anyone and added that therefore he would moveapproval of the application in line with the Officer’s recommendation.


Councillor Adam and Councillor Brown noted they were in full agreement with comments made by Councillor Atkinson.


Councillor Atkinson moved the applications be approved, he was seconded by Councillor Adam.


Upon a vote being taken it was:




That Application DM/22/01083/FPA be APPROVED subject to the conditions listed in the report.


That Application DM/22/01084/LB be APPROVED subject to the conditions listed in the report.

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