Agenda item

Questions from the Public


A question had been received from Mr Forbes.  The questioner was unable to attend the meeting and had requested that the Chair put his question to Council.  The Chair put the following question:


‘Considering the cost of new vehicles and the councils need to save money and reduce their carbon footprint, has the council considered using technology to reduce emissions, like the Atmos 1 system, which can reduce emissions and could be a green cost-effective way forward in the current financial crisis?’


Councillor J Shuttleworth, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Rural Communities and Highways provided the following response:


The use of the equipment referred to by Mr Forbes was raised during the consultation on the taxi policy and was considered by officers and by the Energy Saving Trust (EST) who provided the Council with their opinion on the subject.


The subject raised by trade respondents and the final response can be found in Appendix 4 of the report.


A copy of the response would be sent to Mr Forbes and would be posted on the Council’s website.

Supporting documents: