Billie-Leigh and Luke delivered a presentation on the dangers of talking to strangers, a subject which had been raised by young people at a recent Children in Care Council meeting (for copy of presentation see file of minutes).
Billie-Leigh and Luke spoke of the somewhat contradictory messages given to young people who are warned of the dangers of talking to strangers, however, children looked after are often expected to engage and share information with adults who they may not be familiar with. Billie-Leigh and Luke reported that the young people feel very passionately that all children and young people should feel safe and they highlighted that there may be occasions when young people do not feel safe in their home and may need to discuss issues with a person outside the home. Therefore, to align with ‘Signs of Safety’ week Billie-Leigh and Luke asked for the Panel’s support to expand the work.
They suggested it would be useful to launch a campaign similar to the national ‘Ask for Angela’ campaign which enables people to discreetly seek help by using a phrase to indicate that they require help with their situation.
Billie-Leigh recited a poem she wrote for the Signs of Safety conference, which was based on the thoughts of the young people of the Children in Care Council about the everyday objects and moments which give them comfort and make them feel safe. The poem resonated with Panel members and they praised Billie-Leigh’s use of evocative imagery.
The Panel expressed support for further work to be undertaken, in addition to the signs of safety work already being carried out through the wider partnership. The Panel suggested that safety messages should be shared in local communities through joint working with parish and town councils, Area Action Partnerships and voluntary organisations. Acknowledging that the work must reflect the voices of the young people, the Panel requested that the Senior Partnerships Officer look into arranging a meeting to discuss how to progress the work.
Councillors Walton, Coult, Gunn, Townsend, Miller and Adcock-Forster indicated that they would like to be involved in the project, as it progresses.
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