The Panel received the Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO) Annual Report for 2021-22 presented by Sharon Davey, Strategic Manager for Children Looked After and Permanence (for copy of report see file of minutes).
The Strategic Manager explained the dual role of IROs to monitor care planning and ensure that the local authority’s care plans are meeting the needs of children and young people. In addition, IROs chair child protection review conferences. The Strategic Manager highlighted that the timeliness of reviews had increased from 90% to 99% and that an Ofsted inspection held in May 2022 found that IROs know their children well and provide effective oversight of care plans. The Panel heard that IROs also chair disruption meetings for young people who have been in their placement for two years or more and who are moved in a managed way. The Strategic Manager highlighted the term ‘disruption meeting’ and questioned whether a more appropriate term could be found. Billie-Leigh suggested the meetings could be called ‘new chapter meetings’.
The Strategic Manager spoke of the important work done with the Children in Care Council, including the production of the IRO animation video which explains the IRO service in a child-friendly way and the ‘Mind of My Own’ App which is used to gather meaningful feedback from children and young people.
The Panel heard that key priorities for the future include continued work with young people in respect of care planning the strengthening of the voice of children, young people and parents in the review process.
That the report be noted.
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