The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Resources which sought approval of the Annual Governance Statement (AGS) for 2021/22 (for copy see file of minutes).
Mr Robinson queried the impact on governance arrangements on service areas and the effectiveness of internal controls. The Corporate Director of Resources advised that service areas were required to complete a self-assessment that considered reviews, audit inspections and improvements made to internal controls throughout the year which was then incorporated into the Annual Governance Statement.
In response to concerns raised regarding public consultations and the lack of feedback provided, the Corporate Director of Resources referred to the corporate guidance which aims to achieve meaningful engagement and to provide evidence that a robust decision process had been followed, with views from public consultations to be considered as part of the process. It was noted that difficult decisions had to be made with unpopular outcomes sometimes, however it was acknowledged that feedback to those who participated in exercises could be improved and the suggestion to provide an explanation why a particular route had been decided would be fed back to the relevant services.
That the report be approved.
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