The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Resources which supports the Council’s Risk Management Strategy and highlights the strategic risks facing the Council and provides an insight into the work carried out by the Corporate Risk Management Group between June and September 2022 (for copy see file of minutes).
Mr Rudd referred to the A690 land slippage and asked if discussions had taken place with Network Rail regarding similar issues. The Corporate Director of Resources advised that the Council work with the North East Transport Team, however he would clarify whether there had been engagement with Network Rail. He added that the issue was being monitored and the risk escalation was due to the increase in intervention costs. It was noted that the scheme was included in the Durham City levelling up bid, however, the scheme would need to be considered as part of the capital programme should the levelling up bid not be supported.
Following the meeting, the Corporate Director of Resources sought further clarification on this issue and was informed that the Council had consulted throughout with Northern Power Grid as the landowner adjacent to the A690. Northern Power Grid had engaged with a specialist ground investigation contractor to install monitoring stations on the slope that had suffered with recent slippage causing damage to the access road and buildings. Network Rail haven’t been engaged as part of this scheme given that they do not own any assets that would be impacted by the project.
Responding to a further query regarding risk management training, the Risk, Insurance and Governance Manager advised that they were in the process of designing new risk management training which would be rolled out early 2023.
That the report be agreed.
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