Agenda item

County Durham Plan Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) 2021/22 - Report of Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth


The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth which sought approval for the content of the Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) of the County Durham Plan (CDP) and to agree to its publication (for copy of report, see file of minutes).


Councillor E Scott, Portfolio Holder for Economy and Partnerships informed Cabinet that the County Durham Plan was adopted in October 2020 and the Council were now in the delivery phase. It was important to have a continuous understanding of whether the policies within the plan were being used effectively, whether they were having the expected impact and that the sites allocated in the plan were coming forward as anticipated. The annual monitoring report was the means of monitoring delivery and was reporting a generally positive position after the first full year.


Councillor J Rowlandson, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Resources, Investment and Assets seconded the recommendation in the report.




That the recommendations in the report be approved.



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