Agenda item

Alleged Public Bridleway, Windyside Moor Public Bridle Road, from Road C28 to grid reference 388757.536877, St-John's-Chapel, Stanhope (Definitive Map Modification Order Proposal)


The Committee considered a joint report of the Corporate Director Neighbourhoods and Climate Change and Head of Legal and Democratic Services which sought to make a Definitive Map Modification Order to amend the Definitive Map and Statement by way of adding a public bridleway in the ward of St John’s Chapel, Stanhope starting at Road C28 (grid reference 389554.536399) and ending at grid reference 388757.536877 (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Definitive Map Officer gave a detailed presentation which included application evidence, site location plans and route photographs to supplement the application. She advised that the route to be added connected to the public highway at point A on Document A but not at point B on Document A. However, the meeting was to further consider two other applications at North Grain and Chapel Pasture Public Bridle Roads, which if agreed, would result in a continuous through route from C Road C28, St Johns Chapel to C Road C27, St John’s Chapel, point A to B on Document B.


The Chair asked whether further detail could be provided regarding the reasons why the parish council’s objections could not be taken into account. In response the Definitive Map Officer advised that

legislation does not allow for objections based upon suitability and/or desirability, to be afforded weight in the assessment of the application.


Councillor Tinsley queried as to why the three applications could not be determined under one Order. The Definitive Map Officer advised that individual applications had been received and were assigned different names under the enclosure award, therefore they had to be listed as separate Modification Orders.


Councillor C Kay Moved that the recommendations in the report be agreed. Seconded by Councillor Wood.




(i)       That the Definitive Map Modification Order to amend the     Definitive Map and Statement by way of adding a public bridleway    shown A-B on Document A under section 53(3)(c)(i) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 be approved.

(ii)      That the Definitive Mao Modification Order will be referred to the       Secretary of State for determination in the event objections are made or confirmed as an unopposed order should no such       relevant objections be received.





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