Agenda item

Quarter Two 2022/23 Performance Management Report


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director Resources which presented an overview of progress towards achieving the key outcomes of the council’s corporate performance framework and highlighted key messages to inform strategic priorities and work programmes. The report further provided performance in and to the end of quarter two 2022/23. July to September 2022 (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Corporate Policy and Performance Manager provided an overview of performance noting key performance highlights and areas which required attention as the council continued its transition into a post-pandemic world.


He made particular reference to paragraph 26 of the report regarding homelessness preventions, noting that filling staff vacancies and providing training increased the number of preventions by 42%.


In addition, he noted paragraph 29 of the report which highlighted that post-consultation engagement with all partners and stakeholders was now complete and the Inclusive Economic Strategy had now been considered by Cabinet and approved.


Further highlights were reported in respect of Business Durham activity and increased occupancy rates for premises and Town Centres. Tourist attraction and events had also seen large numbers of attendees, with Bishop Auckland Food Festival generating a direct economic impact of almost £420,000, a 697% return on DCC’s £60,000 investment.


With regard to areas of performance which weren’t doing as well, the Corporate Policy and Performance Manager noted that the number of rough sleepers had continued to rise due to the current financial climate, with more new presentations being seen by the team on the streets as opposed to returners.


Further details were reported in respect of lost Leisure Centre income post-pandemic, with visitor numbers being further compounded by the current economic crisis.


Other areas worthy of note and highlighted by the Corporate Scrutiny & Strategy Manager included an update on the selective licensing scheme which came into effect on 1 April 2022, noting that only 17% of eligible properties in County Durham were fully licensed. A further 9% had submitted applications.


The Chair asked for further information/breakdown of the reason for the plus 9 % increase in presentations to the Housing Solutions Service. The Corporate Policy and Performance Manager suggested that he would endeavour to get some better analysis in relation to the reasons for the increase.




That the content of the report and the direction of travel in relation to quarter two performance, the continuing impact of COVID-19 and the increased cost of living on the council’s performance, and the actions being taken to address areas of underperformance including the significant economic and well-being challenges because of the pandemic be noted.


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