Agenda item

Performance Management 2022/23 Q2


The Committee considered the report of the Corporate Director of Resources which provided progress towards achieving the key outcomes of the Council’s corporate performance framework and highlighted key messages to inform strategic priorities and work programmes. The report covered performance in and to the end of quarter two, July to September 2022 (for copy of report, see file of minutes).


The Corporate Equalities and Strategic Manager was in attendance to present the key points of the report.


Mrs Evans referred to the revised structure of the report and commented that it was much easier to follow but the figures were not helpful to scrutinise. She indicated that she had previously given examples of items that would be helpful such as the number of library memberships for children and young people and the number of young children who could swim.


The Corporate Equalities and Strategic Manager advised Members that he would feed Mrs Evans comments back to the team who develops the report and provided details of how the report and indicators were developed which was around the Council Plan.


Mrs Gunn agreed with Mrs Evans and commented that they required more performance indicators to enable them to better understand the key performance indicators and where they could feed into where priorities should be.


Resolved: That the overall position and direction of travel in relation to quarter two performance, the continuing impact of COVID-19 and the increased cost of living on the Council’s performance, and the actions being taken to address areas of underperformance including the significant economic and well-being challenges because of the pandemic be noted.

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