Agenda item

Academy Schools - Risks from Participation in the Pension Fund


Consideration was given to the report of the Corporate Director, Resources with regard to Academy Schools (for copy see file of Minutes).


The report provided Members with an explanation of the risks involved for Academy Schools and for other employers in the participation of Academy Schools within the Pension Fund. Members were also advised of the Government’s recent proposed method for dealing with Academy School participation in the Local Government Pension Scheme and sought approval to adopt this method where appropriate.


In discussing the report Members were advised of the current number of Academy Schools in Durham and Darlington and that junior schools could also apply for Academy status. Whilst it was acknowledged that Free Schools posed a greater risk than Academy schools they were allowed ‘as of right’ to participate in the Scheme.




That approval be granted to the potential for pooling arrangements to be established between the original Councils (either Durham County Council or Darlington Borough Council) and an Academy School, provided that both parties agreed to the arrangements.

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