Agenda item

Director of Public Health Annual Report 2022


The Committee received a report which provided Members with an overview of the health and wellbeing of County Durham’s population and examples of how the approach to wellbeing was being implemented. Members of the Children and Young People’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee were invited for this item (for copy see file of minutes).


The annual report explained that 2022 had been a year of transition moving from responding to COVID-19 to living with COVID-19 as safely as possible. It provided an insight to the health and wellbeing of the residents of County Durham and reflected the work that was being done to support people in living longer, healthier lives. It also included a focus on tobacco and the need to focus the effort on making smoking history in County Durham.


A Healy, Director of Public Health provided a detailed presentation which focussed on the following key areas:


·      Health and wellbeing across County Durham

·      Living with COVID-19

·      Making smoking history

·      Priorities (covering Healthier, Fairer, and Protected)

·      Update on recommendations from 2021


Councillor Quinn thanked the Director of Public Health and expressed how proud she was to be a Councillor in County Durham noting the great achievements of the service. She believed it would be beneficial for all Members to be informed of activity and progress regarding health and wellbeing in County Durham and asked if regular awareness sessions could be arranged.


The Director of Public Health agreed to contact Councillor Hood, Portfolio Holder for Adult and Health Services to discuss the best way to engage with Members regarding this.




That the content of the report be noted.


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