Agenda item

Local Government Association "Debate Not Hate" Campaign - Report of Head of Legal and Democratic Services


The Council considered a report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services which provided details of the Local Government Association’s ‘Debate Not Hate: The Impact of Abuse on Local Democracy’ report (for copy see file of Minutes).


Councillors S Townsend, C Fletcher, M McKeon, O Gunn, E Scott, A Hopgood, C Varty, M Walton, C Hunt, P Jopling, A Shield, D Sutton-Lloyd all Spoke in support of the Campaign and some gave personal examples of intimidation and abuse they had been subjected to.


Moved by Councillor J Nicholson, Seconded by Councillor S Townsend.




(a)  the Debate Not Hate Campaign had been added to the Standards Committee Work Programme to ensure that the Council remained up to date with the campaign be noted.

(b)  the Leader of the Council sign the Debate Not Hate Public Statement on behalf of the County Council.


The Head of Legal and Democratic Services informed Council that she would circulate the link to the Debate Not Hate Public Statement to all Members should they wish to sign individually.


Councillor R Bell Moved a Motion without Notice that Standing Order 10.7 be suspended to extend the time for debating Motions on Notice but not to suspend Standing Order 4.2 to extend the length of the meeting.  Seconded by Councillor S McDonnell.


The Council agreed the suspension of Standing Order 10.7 which related to the time allowed for the discussion of Motions.

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