Agenda item

Language Update - Verbal update from the Head of Early Help, Inclusion and Vulnerable Children


The Panel discussed words and phrases posed by the Head of Early Help, Inclusion and Vulnerable Children, in order to consider whether their use was appropriate for children and young people and to suggest alternative words and phrases. The words and phrases considered were ‘designated teacher’, ‘PEP Plan’ (Personal Education Plan) and ‘NEET’ (Not in Education, Employment or Training).


Officers highlighted that many words and phrases are used in line with statutory guidance.  The Head of the Virtual School referred to work done in response to discussions on language held with young people, for example, a leaflet was designed with young people to help younger children understand the PEP process and how the young people’s views had influenced policymaking. 


Members referred to the increasing use of acronyms and abbreviations and suggested they should be avoided and, when they are required to be used, definitions should be included.