The Panel considered a report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services which provided an update on complaints relating to the PCC or the Deputy PCC (for copy see file of Minutes).
Members were reminded that at its meeting on 23 June 2022, the Panel approved an updated procedure for dealing with complaints and conduct matters about the PCC and their Deputy, the updated procedure reflecting the Local Government Association’s best practice guidance for complaints handling, and therefore all complaints received after 23 June 2022 would be dealt with in accordance with the updated procedure
It was noted that since the last ordinary meeting of the Panel, held 9 September 2022, there had been two formal complaints received. It was explained that the first complaint had been received on 22 October 2022. It was explained that initially it appeared that the complaint related to a member of staff within the OPCC and therefore was outside of the scope of the procedure. However, it had since been clarified that the complaint did relate to the PCC and therefore it was being progressed in accordance with the Procedure, with a report to be presented to the Panel in due course.
In respect of the second complaint, received on 15 November 2022, it was noted that it related to operational policing matters and had been submitted to the Independent Office of Police Complaints (IOPC) and had been copied to the Clerk to the Panel for information. It was noted that the Complainant had been advised that the complaint falls outside of the scope of the complaints procedure as it did not relate to the PCC and a copy had also been shared with the OPCC for information
Councillor R Potts noted a few complaints from residents as regards how a recent incident had been handled, with a formal complaint having been submitted to Durham Constabulary. He noted there had not been a response and asked how that could be dealt with, noting it was not a complaint against the PCC. The Head of Private Office noted that when she had spoken to the complainant it was implied that they did not want to go to the IOPC, however, she could speak to the complainant further as required. The Head of Legal and Democratic Services noted that should any Member be unsure on such matters they could speak to her for advice as required.
That the report be noted.
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