Agenda item

Council Plan 2023/24 to 2026/27 Refresh - Report of Chief Executive [Key Decision: CORP/R/22/04]


The Cabinet considered a report of the Chief Executive, presented the Head of Corporate Affairs, which presented the draft refresh of the Council Plan covering the four-year period 2023-2027 prior to submission to Council for approval (for copy of report see file of minutes).

The Head of Corporate placed on record his thanks to the Head of Policy Planning and Performance who retired in January and was largely responsible for the content of the report.

The Leader of the Council explained that the report set out details of the updated Council Plan, covering the period 2023 to 2027. It did not and could not include a list of everything the Council does and was underpinned by a wide range of specific strategies and service specific action plans.

The Plan sets out the Councils ambitions, its desired outcomes, and its actions to deliver on these alongside a range of performance measures to track the performance of the council’s services. It is an important document as it sets the Councils priorities and directs our resources.

The updated and refreshed Council Plan would be presented to County Council alongside the MTFP and budget setting reports in February. The overall style and tone of the document is in line with the Plan agreed in June last year.


That the recommendations in the report be approved.




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