Agenda item

Shotley Bridge Hospital Project Update


R Morris, Associate Director Lead, County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust provided a detailed presentation which provided Members with an update on the redevelopment of Shotley Bridge Community Hospital (for copy see file of minutes).


The Associate Director Lead explained the clinical model noting the model’s extensive engagement with the public and Members of the Committee. He explained the partnership agreement with the New Hospital Programme (NHP) which had provided a source of funding to build and advised that construction was planned to start in November/December 2023 with completion in 2025. He explained the design of the development and its social and economic value and was pleased to inform Members that significant progress had been made with the development since the Committee’s last update. 


Councillor Hovvels thanked the Associate Director Lead and the Senior Portfolio Lead for being instrumental in the progress of the redevelopment and commented that it was positive to have new provision within County Durham.


Councillor Sutton-Lloyd commended the progress and stated that it demonstrated great teamwork.


Co-opted member, R Gott agreed that it was positive to see the progress of the project. 


Councillor Quinn thanked the Associate Director Lead for listening to local people and noted that a lot of thought and consideration had gone into the development.


R Rooney, Senior Portfolio Lead, Integrated Commissioning Team, North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board advised that from the perspective of the Integrated Care Board (ICB), she fully supported the outline business case and had drafted a letter to the NHP to confirm this.


The Associate Director Lead advised that a meeting was scheduled with the NHP in March/April 2023 to get the next steps of the project approved.


Councillor Earley asked for reassurance that there would not be any gaps in services provided. The Associate Director Lead advised that NHS property services would continue to spend a significant amount of money on the current Shotley Bridge Hospital to ensure that there was no threat to the services provided.




That the presentation be noted.


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