Agenda item

Unc Aldin Grange Terrace, Bearpark - Proposed No Entry - Report of Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services


Consideration was given to the report of the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services regarding proposals to introduce a no entry restriction at the junction of Aldin Grange Terrace and the C17 in Bearpark (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Strategic Highways Manager outlined the representations received as detailed in the report and advised of additional correspondence received from Mr S Lynn, a local resident. Mr Lynn was concerned that if the proposals were approved traffic speed would increase beyond the speed limit and that traffic calming measures should be considered. He also felt that there was enough room for 2 cars to park safely on the corner.


Mr Gardiner, local resident addressed the Committee and expressed concern at the lack of communication by DCC with residents on this proposal. He considered that a one way system would result in an increase in the speed of traffic using the road to access the C17. Deliveries to his property would be difficult as larger vehicles would have to reverse into the street. The proposals would increase the risks to pedestrians, and to children in particular. There had been no accidents on the corner in the last 42 years and an alternative proposal would be to impose ‘Access to Garstone House Only’. This would maintain a two way flow of traffic but would prevent vehicles turning into the terrace. 


Mrs Virgo reiterated the comments of Mr Gardiner and added that her property was situated on the blind corner making exit onto the C17 difficult. Vehicles used the wrong side of the road when approaching the bend and her wall had been damaged in the past. She was also concerned for pedestrians and considered that if the proposals were approved traffic calming measures should be introduced.


In responding to the comments made, the Strategic Highways Manager apologised that residents felt that there had been a lack of communication.  He did not expect traffic speeds to increase because of the layout of the road which would remain a two way system, however traffic calming measures could be considered in future if necessary. Vehicles tended to cut the blind corner because of poor visibility. Unfortunately it would not be possible to implement Mr Gardiner’s suggestion of ‘Access to Garstone House’ only and Members were advised that delivery vehicles would be able to reverse into a small parking area.


Councillor M Wilkes, Local Member stated that given the large number of residents who were concerned about the blind bend he was minded to support the proposals, however he did sympathise with the views expressed by Mr and Mrs Gardiner and Mrs Virgo. He also acknowledged that whilst none had been carried out to date, speed tests could be undertaken in future if necessary.


In discussing the proposals Members considered possible alternatives to address the local residents’ concerns.

These included moving the No Entry signs further up the lane to allow access from C17 to Garstone House or the erection of a mirror on the blind bend.


In response D Wilcox advised that moving the No Entry sign would negate what they were trying to achieve at this corner. Unfortunately the provision of mirrors was strictly limited by the Department for Transport and this location did not meet the relevant criteria. Speed tests could be undertaken if necessary following implementation of the scheme.




That having considered the representations, the proposal to proceed with the implementation of the No Entry restriction, be endorsed.    




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