Agenda item

B6310 and Unc Birch Crescent, Myrtle Grove & Valley View, Burnopfield - Proposed Waiting Restrictions - Report of Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services


Consideration was given to the report of the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services regarding the proposed introduction of waiting restrictions in Valley View, Myrtle Grove/Elm Grove and Birch Crescent/Leazes Villas, Burnopfield (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Strategic Highways Manager advised that the local Members were in support of each of the proposals but objections had been received from residents. He outlined the representations received in relation to each area, and additional representations were made to the Committee as follows:-


Valley View


Mr D Peel, a resident of Valley View addressed the Committee. He appreciated that the double yellow line restrictions had been modified but considered that restrictions should also be imposed on the opposite side of the road where vehicles parked at school pick-up/drop-off times. He was also concerned at the indiscriminate parking on the corner of the junction.


He understood that Durham County Council were now responsible for the enforcement of parking restrictions and whilst some action had been taken at first, this had stopped in recent weeks.  He believed that his alternative proposal to introduce ‘No Motor Vehicles Except for Access’ would be more effective. Only residents and visitors used this road as there was no vehicular access beyond Valley View, and the proposal would not impede access to the Public Right of Way.


In replying to the comments made the Strategic Highways Manager stated that DCC was now in a position to respond to any concerns relating to contravention of parking restrictions and that enforcement action would increase. The Police would continue to deal with any issues regarding  obstruction. The proposal to include the restrictions on the other side of the road could be investigated and considered as part of a future scheme, and he would examine the concerns raised about parking at the junction.


In discussing the proposal Members felt that in view of the problems outlined by Mr Peel, consideration should also be given to implementing a waiting restriction on the opposite side of Valley View, a suggestion that had been supported by the local Members.


Birch Crescent/Leazes Villas


The Strategic Highways Manager referred to e-mails received from 2 residents, Mr Allison and Mr Smith who objected to the proposals for the following reasons:-


  • Disruption for local residents
  • School traffic only caused a small disruption for a short period of time twice a day
  • A 24/7 restriction on this small stretch of road was unreasonable
  • To access his gated drive to the rear of his property Mr Allison had to move his vehicle and currently parked on the road to be restricted
  • The parking problem would be moved elsewhere in the village which was already a congested environment
  • There was existing legislation in place to deal with parking issues and residents should not be penalised for problems caused by people who did not live in the area
  • The proposal only seemed to be supported by one resident out of six properties affected
  • They had not been consulted on the proposed removal of the restriction at the other end of the street, Birch Crescent. As a through route this would cause a much higher risk to vehicles and pedestrians due to the volume of passing traffic.


Members considered the representations put forward and it was suggested that the proposed no waiting restriction at any time be amended to Monday to Friday between 8am and 4pm. However Members felt that there should be consistency with the other areas of the village where ‘no waiting at any time’ was proposed. They also took into account the views of local Members who had expressed their support to the proposals.




That following consideration of the representations, the proposal to proceed with the implementation of the waiting restrictions in the three streets in Burnopfield, be endorsed, and consultation be carried out with regard to the implementation of waiting restrictions on the western side of Valley View.


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