Agenda item

Various Streets, Chester-le-Street - Proposed Waiting Restrictions - Report of Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services


Consideration was given to the report of the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services regarding the proposed introduction/alteration of waiting restrictions in five separate streets in Chester-le-Street (for copy see file of Minutes).


The report gave details of the proposed parking restrictions in the following locations:-


Crichton Avenue

Unc Plantaganet Avenue

Unc South Burns

Unc Wesley Terrace

Unc West Lane


The Strategic Highways Manager briefed Members on the representations received in relation to each of the five proposals, and the Committee heard from Marie Alderson and Mr Chowdhury regarding the scheme for Unc South Burns.


Marie Alderson spoke on behalf of ABA Taxis. She was concerned that at present up to 3 taxis could be parked outside their premises at any one time and therefore one parking permit would not be enough.  Alternative parking provision had been suggested, including at Tesco and Lucy Street but these locations would not be feasible. The company had operated from South Burns for a number of years without any road safety problems and she was concerned that if agreed the proposals would have a detrimental effect on the future of the business. She also noted that market stall holders would be allowed free parking.


Mr Chowdhury who owned a takeaway at South Burns was concerned about the effect the proposals would have on his business. Customers parked outside his premises to collect food and one parking permit would not be enough.


In responding to the comments made the Strategic Highways Manager stated that in accordance with the existing Order 3 vehicles were not permitted outside the taxi premises and that there should be no customer parking for the takeaway as the permits were for business use only. The allocation of one permit per business was in line with premises in Front Street and it would be unreasonable to expect market stall holders to unload their vehicles some distance away from their pitches. With regard to road safety he advised that there were concerns for the safety of pedestrians walking from the market place to Tesco.


In considering the proposals at South Burns Members expressed concern that the restrictions may have a detrimental effect on local businesses in a town that was already struggling economically. The Committee appreciated that any proposals should protect the safety of pedestrians, however they should also protect the viability of local businesses.


It was therefore suggested that a visit to the site be arranged before making a decision on the proposals.


In discussing the remaining proposals for four streets in Chester-le-Street reference was made to the parking restrictions at Unc West Lane. The Committee reiterated their concerns in relation to the potential impact on local businesses if there was no customer pick-up/drop off in front of the premises  and were advised that to address this the loading restriction had been removed between the access into Victoria Place and Nelson Street. Customers would also have access to a small car park nearby. Members queried the disabled parking provision which would be limited to 2 hours with no return in 22 hours, and were informed that this was in line with new Department of Transport criteria.







(i) following consideration of the representations, the proposals to proceed with the implementation of the parking restrictions in respect of the following streets, be endorsed:-


Crichton Avenue

Unc Plantaganet Avenue/Rear of Ropery Lane

Unc Wesley Terrace

Unc West lane 


(ii) consideration of the proposals in relation to South Burns be deferred for a site visit.  




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