The Council considered a report of the Corporate Director of Resources which provided information on the robustness of the estimates and the adequacy of reserves in the Council’s Budget for 2023/24 (for copy see file of Minutes).
Councillor Marshall asked that the process be outlined should Council not approve the budget at this meeting. The Head of Legal and Democratic Services explained that the Council must legally set a budget by 11 March 2023. Should there be objections to the budget the Leader must be informed as to those objections and convene a meeting of the Cabinet to consider if they wished to submit revised proposal to Council. Council would need to meet no later than 8 March 2023.
Councillor Wilkes, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhoods and Climate Change asked whether all political groups had been given the full opportunity to comment on the budget before the Council meeting, and this was confirmed by the Corporate Director of Resources.
That the Council have regard to the statement when approving the budget and the level of Council Tax for 2023/24.
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