Agenda item

Election of Chair of Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Moved by Councillor A Shield, Seconded by Councillor C Hood that Councillor K Robson be elected Chairman of Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Moved by Councillor M McKeon, Seconded by Councillor J Miller that Councillor R Manchester be elected Chairman of Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


A named vote was requested and results were as follows:


For Cllr K Robson

Councillors M Abley, R Bell, J Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, J Cairns, J Charlton, J Cosslett, B Coult, M Currah, T Duffy, J Elmer, D Freeman, P Heaviside, T Henderson, L Holmes, C Hood, A Hopgood, J Howey, C Hunt, G Hutchinson, A Jackson, N Jones, P Jopling, C Lines, C Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, S McDonnell, P Molloy, J Nicholson, D Oliver, R Ormerod, E Peeke, R Potts, J Quinn, A Reed, G Richardson, S Robinson, K Robson, K Rooney, J Rowlandson, A Savory, E Scott, P Sexton, A Shield, J Shuttleworth, M Simmons, A Simpson, M Stead, W Stelling, D Stoker, T Stubbs, D Sutton-Lloyd, M Walton, A Watson, M Wilkes and S Zair.


For Cllr R Manchester

Councillors E Adam, R Adcock-Forster, V Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, G Binney, D Boyes, R Charlton-Lainé, I Cochrane, R Crute, S Deinali, K Earley, L Fenwick, C Fletcher, J Griffiths, O Gunn, D Hall, C Hampson, A Hanson, K Hawley, S Henig, J Higgins, L Hovvels, M Johnson, C Kay, B Kellett, L Kennedy, R Manchester, C Marshall, D McKenna, M McKeon, I McLean, S McMahon, J Miller, D Mulholland, D Nicholls, P Pringle, J Purvis, S Quinn, K Shaw, G Smith, T Smith, A Surtees, P Taylor, F Tinsley, S Townsend, C Varty, E Waldock, M Wilson, D Wood and R Yorke.






That Councillor K Robson be elected Chairman of Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee.