Agenda item

Proud Moments - Verbal update from the Strategic Manager


This month’s proud moment was reported by Rachel Harris, Service Improvement Manager who had met a young person who had previously been in the care of Durham County Council and who was now working as a Young Person’s Advisor with plans to train as a Social Worker.  She reported how well the the young person was progressing and how the young person spoke very positively of their care experience.


The Panel discussed whether there was more the Council could do in order to promote all the good work being done throughout the care community.  Officers highlighted that achievements are celebrated though events such as Care Day and World Social Work Day and they are also included in the Corporate Parenting Panel annual reports. 


The Senior Partnerships Officer informed the Panel that a strategy to transform children’s social care had been published for consultation, in light of the Independent Review of Children’s Social Care. 

The Council will produce a coordinated response and progress updates will be brought to future Corporate Parenting Panel meetings. 


The Panel asked that the link to the consultation be circulated to all elected members.