Agenda item

Health, Safety and Wellbeing Performance Report Quarter 4 2022/2023


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration Economy and Growth which provided an update on the Council’s Health, Safety and Wellbeing (HSW) performance for Quarter four 2022/23 (for copy see file of minutes).


The Corporate Health and Safety Manager highlighted the key areas of the report including:


·        Quarter 4 incidents in numbers;

·        Audits and Inspections;

·        Fire Incidents and Inspections;

·        Occupational Health Service;

·        Employee Health and Wellbeing

·        Open Water Safety;

·        Potentially Violent Persons Register;

·        Corporate Risks that may impact on Health and Safety.


In response to a query from Mr I Rudd regarding statutory health surveillance, the Corporate Health and Safety Manager advised that health surveillance was dictated by legislation and was statutory to provide health assessments with clinical nurses in Occupation Health. He added that employees were required to attend appointments within a specific time frame set by legislation if there were work related risks and advised that chase up procedures were in place and the information was retained on employee records.


Mr C Robinson referred to the corporate risks that may have an impact on Health and Safety and asked if there were specific actions required that was related to the Health and Safety element within individual risks. The Principal Risk and Governance Officer explained the treatment options and following clarification, the Head of Corporate Finance and Commercial Services suggested that targeted focus on risks that were specifically related to the Health and Safety function be reported in future Health, Safety and Wellbeing Performance updates.



That the report be agreed.

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