Agenda item

Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy 2022 -2025


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Climate Change, which advised the Committee on the final draft Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy (ASB) for County Durham (for copy see file of minutes).


The Partnerships Team Leader, Andrew Bailey gave a detailed presentation of the ASB Strategy agreed by the Safer Durham Partnership.


The Partnerships Team Leader noted the that a lot of feedback and been received regarding the strategy, and informed the Committee of the eight principles the strategy was working towards:


·        Working in Partnerships

·        Champion the victims’ voice

·        Provide the best victim support

·        Provide victim centric community trigger & community remedy processes

·        Implement preventative measures

·        Make full use of tools and powers

·        Maximise use of digital technologies

·        An inclusive approach


The Committee was informed that previously fly tipping and arson had been considered separately, but due to the close nature of both issues they would now be looked at as one group.




That the contents of the report be noted and agreed a further report of the outline delivery plan will be considered by the Committee at a future meeting. 


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