Agenda item

Decision Update - Easington Area Office

PL/5/2011/0443 – Residential Development (outline) (resubmission) Land at Seaton Nurseries, Seaton Village, County Durham, SR7 0LT


PL/5/2011/0443 – Residential Development (outline) (resubmission) Land at Seaton Nurseries, Seaton Village


Consideration was given to the report of the Principal Planning Officer (Easington Area) which provided an update in relation to the application for residential development at Seaton Nurseries, Seaton Village considered by the Committee on 12 January 2012.


The application had been approved subject to the ecology surveys being acceptable and that conditions be reported back to the Committee.


An updated ecology survey had been submitted which had been agreed with the Senior Ecologist subject to a condition requiring the mitigation as set out in the survey. This condition and other suggested conditions were detailed in the report.


Reference was made to the maximum number of properties proposed on the site which was less than recommended by National Planning Policy in terms of density. Members were advised that the site was outside the settlement boundary of Seaton on the edge of the village and the proposal for 6 bungalows with a substantial landscaping scheme was deemed appropriate for the location. A previous application for 33 dwellings on the site had been refused and subsequently dismissed at appeal.




That the information given be noted and the conditions as outlined in the report be approved, allowing the planning permission to be issued.

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