Agenda item

Working Group Report on Religion and Worldviews


The Chair invited B Dunn to provide an update on discussion and areas of work to take forward following a meeting of the above working group.


B Dunn advised that the group had looked at two key themes and provided feedback on each as follows.


How to evaluate existing Agreed Syllabus.


The syllabus does include reference to religious and non-religious world views, and this is woven throughout. It is especially clear in the KS4 modules exploring more complex themes and issues. A key action would be to evaluate how this has been received and implemented in schools. It has been suggested that SACRE representation in the form of P Welch and B Dunn from the curriculum group could speak with colleagues at network meetings to gather information regarding this.


How to develop the religious and non-religious worldviews strand through the Durham Agreed Syllabus going forward.


It is important to develop an authentic voice whilst exploring the non-religious worldviews so that are treated with the same integrity, depth, and diversity as the religions in the Durham Agreed Syllabus. For example, belief systems such as 'Humanism' could be explored in the same way we would explore a religious viewpoint to be treated with equity. K Passmore gave further examples of key beliefs that should be included such as 'Veganism' which although centred around one theme is explored through the Religious Education curriculum. This needs to both meet national requirements and provide a worthwhile and purposeful curriculum approach which both explores the development of the individual and has academic rigour.




Does the Syllabus need a post-COVID relaunch in order to embed the progress already made and appropriately skill teachers up for dealing with the changing face of the RE curriculum after the limitations placed when the Durham Agreed Syllabus was initially released. This has been a method utilised by other SACREs.


The working group were to meet prior to the next SACRE meeting to explore materials prepared to ascertain questions and actions for the two key themes highlighted above. Working party invitations and materials were to be shared with all SACRE members and appropriate additional interested parties following the meeting.